Windows Active directory
internal pentesting “all the things” notes
Attack Vectors
- This is a quick view
- Attack tool “Responder”
- SMB Relay Attacks
- Pass the hash
- Password attacks & Cracking
- IPv6 AD Attack (mitm)
- Passback attacks
- Attacking LSASS
- others that i didn’t take notes yet
Quick notes
Initial internal pentest attack strategy
- mitm6 or responder
- run scans to generate traffic
- if scans are taking too long, look for websites in scope
- Look for default credentials on web logins
- Printers
- Jenkins
- Etc
- enumerate all
Enumerations commands
net user /domain
net user $USER /domain
net group /domain
Post-Compromise AD enumeration
- Bloudhound
sudo bloodhound-python -d DOMAIN.local -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -ns $IP -c all
- Plumhound
- Ldapdomaindump
sudo ldapdomaindump ldaps://$IP -u 'DOMAIN\username' -p $PASSWORD
- Caso hipotetico de uso: LLMNR => conseguimos un hash => lo crackeamos => probamos la contraseña en otras maquinas => encontramos nuevo login => secrets dump those logins => local admin hashes => re-spray network with local accs
- PingCastle
- etc
- Trevor Spray tool
- SeatBelt Tool
Post compromise attacks
Now we own the domain what’s next?
- Provide as much value to the client as possible
- Put your blinders on and do it again
- Dump the NTDS.dit and crack passwords
- Enumarate shares for sensitive information
- Persistence can be important
- What happens if our DA access is lost?
- Creating a DA account can be useful (remember we have to delete it)
- creating a golden ticket can be useful too
- What is it?
- A DB used to store AD data.
- User info.
- Group info.
- Security descriptors
- Password hashes
- A DB used to store AD data.
- Golden Ticket attack
- When we compromise the krbtgt (kerberos target) account, we own the domain
- We can request access to any resource or system on the domain
- Golden tickets = complete access to every machine
Lateral movement notes
- Tools:
- Psexec => internal tool
- WinRM
- Persistence Scripts
run persistence -h
- Scheduled Tasks
run scheduleme
run schtaskabuse
- Add a user
net user hacker password123 /add